3 MAY 1890, Page 24

Some Places of Note in England. A Series of Twenty - five

Drawings. By Birket Foster. (Sampson Low and Co.)—It was a capital idea to collect drawings of famous English places, and Mr. Birkot Foster deserves much credit for the plan. Whether the scale of the drawings and the process—they have been trans- ferred to stone—does them justice, is doubtful. They have been very carefully done ; there can be no doubt of that ; and if the result is in some cases unsatisfactory, in others there is, making all allowances, as much success as one might reasonably expect. At least, we have no difficulty in recognising those qualities of imagination and poetry which distinguish Mr. Birket Foster's drawings. Each plate has a brief note indicating the points of interest in the place depicted.

It will be sufficient to quote Mr. Irving's title-page. The descrip- tion of the contents of his book, and his name, carrying as it does so high a reputation for industry and care, will be sufficient to recommend his book. It is, then, Annals of Our Time ("A Diurnal of Events, Social and Political, Home and Foreign, from February 24th, 1871, to the Jubilee, June 21st, 1887."), by Joseph Irving (Macmillan and Co.) This is indeed an indispensable book of reference.