3 OCTOBER 1903, Page 18

Therefore, says Mr. Balfour, because of that, and because he

population a Macedonia are divided into Mussulmans, Exarchists, and Patria,rchists, who hate and dread each other (the Bulgarians are Exarchists, and the Greeks Patriarchists, but their creeds are identical to.a word), the British Govern- ment still proposes to support and strengthen Russia and Austria in pressing for reforms, and to offer suggestions, so as to " ameliorate " the condition of Macedonia, yet avoid international complications. He is sure that this course is for the interest of Great Britain, and affords the best hope of im- proving the condition of Macedonia and securing European peace. We have dealt with this extraordinarily feeble mani- festo elsewhere, and need only remark here that it will be received in Constantinople as a pledge that whateve:. the Sultan may do, Great Britain will not intervene to protect his victims.