3 OCTOBER 1903, page 19

Consols Have Not Sunk Far Below Their Accustomed Value, A

2i per cent. stock at 88 being more than the equivalent of a 3 per cent, stock at 104. The decline, however, has been pretty steady since the conversion came into full effect,......

We Entirely Agree That These Things Depend Upon The Answei

to Mr. Chamberlain's question. If the nation replies as we believe it must, it will refuse to disunite the Empire by sordid tariff squabbles and by raising false hopes in the......

We Record With The Deepest Regret The Death, Which Occurred

it Davos Platz on Wednesday, of Sir Michael Herbert, the British Ambassador at Washington. It is hard to dwell on the loss which British diplomacy has sustained by his premature......

The Discipline Of The German Army, And Especially Of The

Prussian section of it, appears to be as terrible as it was in the days when Thackeray described the Prussian career of Barry Lyndon. Since January 1st of the present year there......

Of The Letters From Mr. Chamberlain To Correspondents...

the week, we may specially note one addressed to a Nottingham manufacturer, which appeared in Tuesday's papers. In it Mr. Chamberlain states that he has taken up the subject of......

So Little Is Known In This Country Of The King

and Queen of Italy that an account of them by an Italian lady of Socialist opinions published in the Times of Thursday will be welcome. Signora Paola Lombroso declares that the......

A Most Unpleasant And Painful Impression Has Been Pro- Duced

by the publication in Thursday's papers of the letters of resignation of Mr. Ritchie and Lord George Hamilton. These letters, accompanied in Lord George Hamilton's case by a......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. Consols (21 Per Cent.) Were

on Friday 88i.......