4 DECEMBER 1942, Page 14


SIR,—It would have amused Quintus Horatius Flaccus to know that Hitler had been making two of the three journeys referred to in Ode 22, Book 1, simultaneously, the crossing of the dusty Syrtes desert and the expedition to the arid (but now, I imagine, chilly) Caucasus. Maybe the reason the Fuhrer went armed was an instinct that he barely reached the ,Horatian standard " Integer vitae scelerisque," and consequently provided himself with Moorish darts and poisoned arrows, or their modern equivalent.

If he and his little Asiatic Aryan allies proceed with the third journey . to attain the fabled land watered by the Hydaspes (which I gather is near the Indus Valley), they are more likely to get there disarmed than unarmed now that the much-trumpeted pincer movement on India seems