4 DECEMBER 1942, page 13

A Subject For Thought

SIR,—Attention has already been drawn in these columns to the report of the trial of twenty men at the Newport Assizes for homosexual offences. During the hearing it was......

The Wearing Of Hats

SIR,—We are told in the Press that the House of Commons announces that the Lord Chancellor is consulting the Lord Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls, and the President of......

The County Badge Scheme

SIR,—Now that the subject of the County Badge Scheme has once more become the object of discussion, I hope I may be excused for offering these views which are those of a boy......

Ulster And Eire

Sm,—I have read with interest the article in your issue of November 13th by Julian Huxley entitled " Celtic Twilight." Why should there be such grovelling to Eire? Has she not......

Treatment For Venereal Disease

SIR,—I was astonished and shocked by your paragraph in " Notes of the Week," November 13th, welcoming the Regulation 33b on venereal disease, and I was further surprised that in......