4 JULY 1840, Page 10

At length there is a prospect of regular monthly communication

with Madras, Calcutta, and Ceylon, by means of steam-vessels. The pro- spectus of the East Indian Steam-navigation Company appears in our advertising columns ; and it will he seen that it is proposed to raise a sufficient capital to build eight first-rate vessels, which are expected to snake the voyage from London to Calcutta in front forty-two to forty- five days ; to Madras, thirty-eight to forty ; Ceylon, thirty-five to thirty- seven. The Company's plan includes Bombay ; but, for the present, the East India Company wish to retain this route in their own hands. The voyage to Alexandria is put down at fourteen days.

To the persevering exertions of the indefatigable Captain James Bar-. her the establishment of this Company is mainly due ; and we are glad to see that Captain Barber is appointed the " Superintendent of the Steam-vessels." The list of Chairmen, Directors, and other officers, com- prises some of the most wealthy and respectable men in London.