4 JULY 1840, Page 11

C'(N.(INth C.1111'13ELL AN TIIE CCILON1.11,

:T.',..arst load ty't his Currey onkiwt. uppeur,d i..cco,i1c/Iti.el last wer.k.]


5, 11Iii1eLall, 2711i June 1840,

sin-1" beg to forward you the enclosed correspondence; which 1 shall fee! obliged lay your inserting in your paper.

I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant,

11. D. CAAIPBELE, Lieut.-Colonel.

(Copy.) No. I. Downing S reet, 24th June 1840.

Sin—In the nos-striper of Tilisalioy the instant, is a report of a meeting or the British mid Foreign Auti•Slavery Convent', al . at whielo yonaare represimte I to hunt',,

made a speech, in the r,mrxr Of r How)) I expr..:-siote: are attributed to you When a Ail wa. hrought. in,, 111,1.e nsn..am al:ow:once of Sro the mei; arc.' the children. until wore otlo,r,,, pro idea I',:. There o::: no allowance what• oser for the Willi:1'1i ; and they tmErr 1,11.1,001,1Ey _,Nell away 1,, any oho who rinse to of ILr t;uirrowrnlha, iog the lira choice. .1amet; sr.vhee or h.. .oh.ni,o :111111 Mr, Buxton. knew that as well as he did.- I beg team to inquire, tio,t, Blether tImn• hart.• quoted weruu really ern. 1/111y1,1 11V y1111; ;11111 il' a,, filen ni hat gr■aaul i.e authority you hose Mr asserting that I po,seu•S the kloowl...1:c ill.iel, attriloutu to me. I have the Mannar to be, s!ir, your most I...tient servant, Lieut. Col. Campbell. (Sigurd) J A ties Swim's.

(200.0 No. 2. L.591 June 1840.

S. it- -11.41,re I reply to the c.adaliaot in your letter of ale 2-:111 trtn the r the 1-M111111,1111171`ill .• 110/11 the .'nit newImpun. tilt„• instaut, wore Gnu e really eniploo eml ty Me,” I hug to know whether I Mil 111 our colitmunic.ition !official the honour to I, Sir, ymir obedient servant,

Signed) II. D. CAMPBELL. C010:0.11 ()hire, 1).W:Iiiig Street.

(Copy.) No. 3. • 11.,wiiing Street, 1:501 3mm 1840,

11:1,1 11:111 ill, 1111110111' to receive your note of tills "date. My letter to von of the 24th instant oils .ict It Wag um written by the dii.ection or with the loomv- ledge of I., Tit Joho ; l,t when I :tut in your :miniver, I propose to lay the ghmnte coriequmilei(iis•ii.„1;:t1d.rle his hardship. I lave the hotnuir to Ile, Sir, your most otedieut humble servant.


To Lieut.-Col. II. D. 5, whitebait.

((ropy.) No. 4.

5, Whitehall, 25111 .luau 1840.

SIR--1 have reecived v.:ar 1,tter of thi., day s date. in wide], sun state that yours of yesterday was 111,t sulm:eitlieitly expressed, of layiou4 our can esp000m,,,,, 1 efore Lord Julio Ibis...oil, ',ems to one I,, stamp it with so strung an ..11.u.to1-.r, that 1 most decline offering that explanation I should have heel, most ready to a9cr,1 you au ;t Ill iN

I have the honour to be. Sir, our most obedient servant,

(Signed) II. 1). CAMPBELL. To James Stephen, Esq., Colunial (Mice, Downing Street.

(Copy.) No. 5. 2Gth June 1840.

SIR-1 beg to acquaint you. that not having received any further com ttttttt ication since my letter to you of yesterday evening, it is my intention immediately to publish correspondence that hen taken place. (Signed) H. 1). CAMPBELL. TO James Stephen, Esq.

(Copy.) No. 6. (Received at 4 past 12, Saturday.)

Downing Street,27th Time 1840.

SIR—I have this moment received your note dated on the 26th instant, hall'-past 6 p. m., informing me that it is your intention immediately to publish the correspondence that has taken plow between us. flaying yesterday laid the trhole of that correspond- ence betbre [and John Russell. in pit rotanee or the intention R11110t111C011 to you in my note or the 25th instant, it rests with his I.ordship and not with me to deterntine whether any further coma llll icatieti shall lie made to you on the suliiect. Cautpbell. (Signed) JAMEs S•repii . (FI:RTIIER CORRESPONI)ENCE.)

(Copy.) No. 1. Downing Street,27th June 1840.

SIR–By the direction of Lord John Il ass I transutit to you the copy or letter "bleb was addressed to his Lordship yedertlay, the 25th instant. by Idr. Stephen, enclosing copies of a correspondence which has pa:-0,1 between yourself and that gentleman on the subject of a statement attributed to ytm iit a report in the Sun newspaper of 0 public

mooting of the 13ritish and Forei..m SI. very Convention.

Supposing the In:via:icy of the report iu tilleStinit, 14 ra Jam gmsstl1 thinks it !INVE- R:By to aseertaiti from yourself what is the ground. Otl WWII( you made a statement reflecting so notch discredit ti the 'midi, or a colony 1 which you were so re- cently the lAtintemint.Governor, and app.•:.rilf.; to impute to a member of this depart- ment a culpable negligence in regard to so mead an abuse. Lord John Russell, then-tort!, directs tee to tequest 1Irit would Infiniti hitn whe ther you've correctly lei...tett to have cd dial that the weitica brought into Sierra Lewitt in slave-ships we're circa away to ao y one wild conic and take them, the officers of the Government having the first choice, aid that 111r. Stephen knew this as well as you If this be really an neonate (rotation of your language, Lord John Itussell WORM wish to be interned what are the ;•rottlitts on 0 Melt tlti. statement rests : vilwtlwr the abuse in question prevailed itto log yettr atlittieidtatiott or the gevernineut or Sierra Leone? w !tether it was eNer repot t, ,l by you to her :Ilts'e...t!,•'s Government. and lit what time? and whether you evil. :tilt tpted any measure for the pretrntltdn t it, and what tlin:e measures may have btx•tr: I am. Sir, vour 'divalent humble ler% cud, (Sigurd) It. VmetcoN SMITH, To Colonel 11. 1). Campbell.

(Copy.) No. 2. 1)owniee Streit. 26th June 184t).

Mi Lour.--011 Wednesday. the 24th imdatit, I It'Qt.i1c,111 ictiow slot from whom) a copy- of the S-n newspaper or tho 2311 tt, that newspaper I found a report or a speech attributed to Lieutenant t'olouel Camptell. the late Governor of Sierra Leone, in Which that °nicer i,.. 1011111110 ,1011. 11,a 1 tarot as he did that the wonien brought into Sierra bounce iu the were given away to any 0110

who chose to collie and take them, the officers of the Government having the first choice.

If I had really pesse,sed thisknowledge. I should taco been guilty of a vcry celpable thilure in my duty in not eummtulicating it t pair Lordship or to any of your retie. cessors. }Lid Colonel Ciimpi;ell's speed; wine-eta.' that the fact in flue: Cue was known to her )1a est y•,: rioverrinetd, to the s.•ertitary 'Mato for the Colonies, or to the Colonial .opar.ment, I should at once have forwarded the ,one nesvi.paper to your Itordship, tor any measure yeti tai;410 think, proper to found open it. hut :is Colonel Campbell was male to idtribide Ibis lillowledc,e to myself is.l.soaully tool hlivulooly, I thought it lay duty in my own per.,iottl chat:tter to request hint to state whether he had used such expressions, and, it sti, then ou what ground, lie attributed this know- ledge to me. Yesterday, th" 2511i instant, 1 note from Colonel Campbell. asking whe- ther he was to consider my tintrimitnieation as "flicks]. 1 inititediatelv answered, that lay letter wits Ind official, that it was not written by your Lordship's direct Mu, or with your knowledge: hut ti, f hen possessiult of cokm-i t;aciplaill's answer. 1 proposed to lay the nthole et q.t.'s p"ell 'ace 1: nitre yoa. I have Rua- received an:niter rote fir tit Coloael G1110,41,11, in which he stales that my intentiou ot' Iuss ite4. Ile' .e beforo your Lordship scents to hilt to slan, it With so strenif offietat ehatat•ter. th tt it lutist decline tarring that explanation he %void,' have been rued read,' tit ;itltrd we as a private individual. I clielose the whole of tliiiso b tt-d.s. for your Lordship's information. As thr ;is the

matter atiects myself i; is ti Per me only to .tile that, mail I road

Colonel speech in the Y.1:1111•11'.1.1111111., I never LoCtd, and hail net the vets slightest knowledge of, the nods to whiell he there refers. I can of course state this only from any vocolleetioll; but, idler the iso,t repeated coustileration, 1 lied my nte• flinty a complete !think Ott the stilkicel; am: 101 inquiry of other menthc•rs of thi: who ere must 1tIlltittlI1T tilTi,,,t111PrItt,1toly such intelligence, I find them, Iikc' zu,sser, y uninformed respecting it. I have, Se. (Signed) J.tutcs STEPHEN. The Lout John Ito nth, Cc. Se. ::e.

(C.o.) No.3. 0, Whitehall, 30th hole 1840.

Alv Loan -.I hive 111., tior •••• t..reki.e.v1,14., the reet,ipt or a letter from Mr. Vernon Smith. a the 2;th icidant, eililEVSAPA 10 1110 liy year Lordship's under, with the en- closure or the copy la.a hiller trent )1r. Utider.Seert.tary Stephen to your Lordship. I will nut cat it whether e%prmsitma ahnh.lcd to inn ui the Sun newspaper are or air nit lit...ratty correct. '1'h. .y sofa nth intli•tat the spirit of the meaning I in- tended to convey.

l'ottr Lordship on refers it to the vie, simper mill tin•t that the extract scut to me by

Mr. stephen, and stilisecee,...tly ti :11,mitt■-■1 tee yoor Lordship, was pro...tied by a question iu these wards—" Bet whet was the practice it hie), he found " Te this question tht extract Was all answer, and I r„ fret t retie It that this pond iir 010s ill eX- Istence on my tvistiniptien of the ( to, ernme.t t. I blot:, bower er, 111.,,tti Ps for its discoid inir11001, which 1 rel•erted to the It ilonial Seereittry in my despatch NO. 350, 5th Sol I -tuber 18.,:t6. and despat,lt I hate this day seen ill the Colonial Unice, sitter...hi pan• la,rdship all Mal the t'--Nowiog pa sages—" Thol women were disposed or to any person ti h e It lake thent.'"• I has,. as tar as possible checked the had ellitets attending the giving assay the ...men. by reality; them to the villages, and placing each under the eare of a resident notified female of good character." liar ing thus Ihr .tidied your IA 1.1,11i11 lit rite, eel to the groutttl of a speech delivered by ine at a pubro• Imslittg. I rcnnesl v. tar leaddlip in order dial I may be fornished with is copy or the despatch to which e -r th • purpose or iminneattoo. as I Mel it 10 nisseif, :tiler the 111.1011,c 1 II tve lee,. 10111.1 ots.0 For exploitation, to leave 110 ILI:I/it 111,111 0.1' 10110111i I' the toed' of my assettions. Your Lordship will 110 11■01i11 111.1i1.11 With ,iiiprisc that the tibiae extracts from my despatch ate almost the s cry lout (1, attrihr.,1111 illy it tie' public meeting; but, rom the tenor or ,...utty s r. yoitr a,borishinent tt hi. g1.1,111r0r When ytnt find that the ter') to that despat,li, N •. Gee:tabor I, IS .6.) dees not contain Ill° slighted alltHon us its IMP la. my re; re•entatieus in regard to the state of apprentire- ehip, which 1 vii.trat•tittii,11 to tt cry or the worst description," llor el tt, it Contain any reliairk upon the tooamoot I,ruo, women. TM,' reference to my It • 1.41,11. ail b, It, reply received to it from the Colonial Office, must sfitiify your Li rilship Vitt' I did not impute to )Ir. Siert:en, a member of your Lordship's depatimeni, a t Mt. ittle rtTaril to great it without cibundant justification. and I carnet cvmprehendlow that gentleman, with these documents exicdatg in the I 'itionial (Mice, could venture to - sin e your Lordship

that he had " nevi. r heard, and 1,•I net the .i1i.41dtt,1 thyse lot's, and

that his memory a complete (dank an the subjeet any foillter, thal he should attribute a similar wan' et cocci lei-lion and inform:alit' to every other person iti the de. pertinent ; but titi$ dt•tiiiit Stephen wit' appear still more stitinge si hen 1 state that his 11:11110 to E. • ■•■•py ,our Lora-hip ofliceot tilt` it. stilt 10 Inc. Plus :I.:iv:m.0,1 the titit,t.. II , (1LIL. Lordship has put tithe the liberty of mein:; that 1 WO it a toss to autlerstatal 'you ,11,0 pound your I,- rilship, as Secre- tary of State, has addressed PIP It II III:HIPP III 111,1,i11 10 0'1111111 )1r. Stephen had in the lirst instance appealed t t ett, tinotlivially, mat it Melt, therefore, appeared to have been.personal between that ccetitLenall awl wys, lir tar, however, Cr, til welieg tiny re • gret at being thus called tip-it for explanatimt, 1 rejiMar in the opportunity thus afforded. me of dirootio._. will as that or ow rolai, to :I matter very near and dear to my heart—the %velra the oppressed and deeply , it,tirtel. liberated


It is. perhaps, needless to inform cone Lordship that I shall pitblisli this correspond. mice, in cm:tie:Kivu with that which loss preceded it. I have the honour to be, my Lord, your moat ill t


To the Right 1Iou. Lord Russell, Sc.

IL 1). CA m Lieut:Colottel.