4 JULY 1840, Page 8

The Reverend Mr. T. S. Escott of Gedney, nearWi sheds,

was mentioned by the Stamford Mercury as acknowledging an error in refusing to bury an unbaptized person, and with having called Dissenting teachers " ministers of Satan." The paragraph from he Shutt jad Mercury being copied into the Globe, procured for that paper the honour of a letter from Mr. Escott, in which the reverend gentleman denies the apology, and says his expression was " Dissenting mountebanks are ministers of Ikll," and that he " glories " in having used it- " And as to making any apology for doing my duty, I would die first. And no power, whether ecclesiastical or civil, or inferno], shall compel me to make any apology whatever. Neither the temporizers among the Episcopacy, who dishearten their clergy by encouraging Dissent, nor the cowardly among the priesthood, who preach that false teachers may be saints of the Lord, nor the persecutors among the sectarians, who strive by falsehood to prevail against all who arc resolute in support of truth, shall ever force are to deny the truth, nor to acknowledge the impious notion, that ordination by the Bishop is of no value, and that the will of any and of every man is a sufficient qualification for ministering in holy things, for baptizing, and for preaching the gospel. This I never will acknowledge; for this, by the grace of God, I never did, and never will apologize."