3 JULY 1947, Page 22


SIR,—Mr. L. C. Lloyd asks if any mention of foxhunting and coursing is to be banned from the air. " Such suppresSion would be both stupid and dishonest," he comments. But is it not stupid and dishonest for the B.B.C. to repeatedly broadcast hunting propaganda and to absolutely re- fuse any opportunity to this society (or any other society, or anyone) to put the case against hunting? That the B.B.C. refuse to allow the case against hunting to be put is a fact. I have approached the B.B.C. a number of times and each time have had a refusal. It leaves me wondering if the B.B.C. is affiliated to the British Field Sports Society or the Masters of Foxhounds' Association! The B.B.C. seem to think that there is scant opposition to hunting and coursing. What about the 380 'M.P.'s who have promised to support a Parliamentary Bill fog: the abolition of these pastimes?—Yours faithfully, E. G. BARLOW. League to Abolish Cruel Sports, 9 St. lames Road, Harpenden, Herts.