3 JULY 1947, page 6

Hungary Moves Left

Events in Hungary appear to be moving broadly in accordance with the Russian plan. The important speech delivered by M. Dinnyes, M. Nagy's successor as Prime Minister, at......

Nationalised Electricity

With the passage of its Third Reading in the Commons_ on Monday the Electricity Bill takes its place in the queue of measures awaiting discussion by the Lords. It goes to the......

Post Office And Public

The fact that the annual debate in the House of Commons on the Post Office vote is naturally devoted largely to suggestion and criticism does not denote any serious or......

Are We Underfed ?

Tuesday's food debate in the House of Commons focused on two main questions. Are we getting enough to eat? And what steps are we taking to get more? Though the second question......

The Allies And Japan

Public opinion in this country is concerning itself so predominantly with the defeated enemy in Europe that it has little attention to give to the defeated enemy in Asia. Yet......