4 MARCH 1893, Page 26

The Advertiser's A B C and Advertisement Press Directory, .1893

(T. B. Browne), is a book of reference for advertisers. The headings are "London Newspapers," "Provincial Newspapers," "Magazines, Reviews, &c.," and "Colonial and Foreign." A " Journalistic Obituary" gives a variety of biographical information, and is followed by what we may describe as a list of "births, marriages, and deaths" among journals and periodicals themselves. Two new daily papers appeared in London in 1892, and there have been twenty other new publications in the Metropolis and the suburbs. Twenty-five journals have become extinct. Among magazines, &c., the now arrivals have numbered twenty ; the departures, eleven.—With this volume

may be mentioned the Newspaper Press Directory, Forty-eighth Annual Issue (C. Mitchell and Co.), a volume which gives in- formation about newspapers in a convenient form, and illustrates it with a map. Any one who finds these things necessary to life will there see at a glance where he will be best off ; he who wishes to avoid them will also see where to fix his abode. The North- eastern corner of Yorkshire seems to be the least newspaper- haunted region in England; but in Scotland the whole of the Western coast above Oban is absolutely free.