4 MARCH 1893, page 25

Historical Documents Of The Middle Ages. Translated And...

Ernest F. Henderson. (Bell and Son.)—It is an excellent idea to publish an English translation of some of the most important historical documents of the middle ages. The......

Current Literature.

An Old Woman's Outlook in a Hampshire Village. By Charlotte M. Yonge. (Macmillan and Co.)—There are no signs of old ago, if we except experience, in this pleasant note-book of......

Cyrii's Promise. By W. J. Lacey. (t. Nelson And Sons.)—

Or a's Promise is a temperance story of perhaps rather more than the ordinary average of merit. The hero is Scotch, and the national character for religious steadfastness is......

The Magazines.

Tun articles in the dearer Magazines on the Home-rule Bill are not of enthralling interest. The article in the National Review against it, is a little too fierce in expression;......