4 MARCH 1989, Page 25

Book check

Sir: Your correspondent who fears that a `Philistine' Lloyds Bank is about to evict the proprietor of the widely acclaimed Hall's Antiquarian Bookshop in Tunbridge Wells (Letters, 3 February) will be relieved


to know that the bank has no such plans.

We constantly aim to improve the quali- ty of service offered to our customers. Our Pantiles branch is very small, and expan- sion would be desirable. One option could have been expansion into two adjoining shops, of which the bank owns the freehold, one of which is Hall's bookshop. However, this encountered substantial opposition and the idea was quickly drop- ped last year.

Lloyds Bank won much praise in the local press for its decision not to proceed. Indeed, Sabrina Izzard, the proprietor of Hall's said: 'It's wonderful that they [Lloyds Bank] listen to their customers and the public.'

Alex Richmond-Scott

Senior Manager, Public Affairs, Lloyds Bank Plc, 71 Lombard Street, London EC3