4 MARCH 1989, page 25

Letters Nuclear Canards

Sir: My nuclear industry colleagues and I, of varying political persuasions, read Andrew Kenny's article (Nuclear power? Yes, please', 11 February) with great enjoyment. Anyone......

Book Check

Sir: Your correspondent who fears that a `Philistine' Lloyds Bank is about to evict the proprietor of the widely acclaimed Hall's Antiquarian Bookshop in Tunbridge Wells......

Sir: Auberon Waugh Doubts Whether Sal- Man Rushdie, Who Has

insulted the British people and police, deserves their protec- 'I may not be able to sell your book, but I may be able to get you on a list of signatures on a letter to the......

Decent David

Sir: Ludovic Kennedy (Diary, 11 Febru- ary) recalls chairing hustings meetings with the two Davids. I did the same — more than Ludo did, if the truth be told, and in two general......

Unsocial Democrat

Sir: Mr Paddy Ashdown says that electoral pacts between political parties are un- democratic. How does he reconcile that view with his advocacy of proportional representation,......

Surviving The Ayatollah

Sir: Grateful though I am to Mr Auberon Waugh for his kind remarks about me, I must correct one of the opinions he attri- butes to me (Another Voice, 25 February), if only to......