4 MAY 1844, Page 8

Ebt Vrotlintes.

The election of a Member for Horsham, in the room of Mr. Scarlett, took place at that borough, on Wednesday. The only candidate was Mr. Robert Henry Hurst, of Horsham Park ; who has thrice before re- presented, the borough and possesses touch local influence. He is a Whig in politics. He was proposed and seconded by two members of the Anti-Corn-law League ; who spoke of him as not going so far as themselves, but his proposer said that he would fairly represent the general political feeling of the borough. He was declared duly elected.

During the two last weeks, Chartist delegates have held a convention at Manchester. The subjects of deliberation were, the reorganization of the National Charter Association, and the appointment of missiona- ries to agitate every town and village in advocacy of their opinions. The funds were reported to be low. The meeting was adjourned; the next convention to be held at Leeds.

Acording to the verdict of a Coroner's Jury, a strange murder has been committed, at Coventry in the family of Mr. Golesby, the land- lord of the Canal Tavern. On the evening of the 22d April, the only persons in the house were Mrs. Golesby and her three little children, and a nurse maid, Jarvis, a young girl under thirteen years of age. Mrs. Golesby was going to put one of the children to bed, having left the baby in a cradle in the back-kitchen, with Jarvis. In a minute or two, she heard a cry of anguish, and calling out to know what was the matter, Jarvis said, "A man has killed or stabbed the baby !" As Mrs. Golesby entered the kitchen, the girl came out of it, wiping her hands on her pinafore, repeating, " A man has killed or stabbed the baby, and .run down the yard." The baby was found in the cradle weltering in its blood ; and presently it died. It seems to have been killed with a carving-knife. The child had never liked its nurse, who appears se- cretly to have pinched it ; and she had had warning to quit. An inquest was held on the Tuesday and Wednesday ; and a verdict of " Wilful Murder" was returned against Susannah Jarvis ; who was committed for trial. She heard the verdict with calmness. On taking leave of her, her parents were heard to exhort her not to eat or drink, but to pine herself to death in prison.