4 MAY 1929, Page 2

Election Moves in South Africa Were it not for our

own excitements Englishmen would be taking much more interest in the South African election campaign, which is full swing. General Hertzog has burnt his boats on the question of the native franchise, no less than on the subject of the " indepen- dent " Trade Treaty with Germany. We were not surprised, therefore, to see that General Smuts`,-';;1 his first election speech at Pretoria on Tuesday, pledged his Party to a prompt return to Enipire Preference and to the proposal of a National Convention for- a cool examination of ..the native - question, We welcome 'the South African Party's readiness to consider some form of federation with. the two Rhodesias, and their leader is probably_ wise to, state plainly that, in his opinion, the extension of the Union further northwards is not practical politics. Finally, be speaks of -" a sound immigration policy," in which Great Britain is prepared- to collaborate, This. means presumably setting up barriers to Asiatic immigrants. * * * *