4 MAY 1929, page 34


About Love—More or Less Living. By Henry Green. (Dent. 7s. 6d.) WHEN Mr. David Garnett leaves the form he has created, the form of elegant yet preposterous fable, in which a few......

The Nobler Love. By Briggs Davenport. (brussels : Elmer S.

Prather.)—This American story, printed in English but published in Brussels, does not conform to any of the ready-made classifications into which most modern novels fall. It has......

Who Shall Hang ? By Marcus Magill. (knopf. 7s. 6d.)—this

detective tale opens with a country house- party, where a number of ebullient young people are assembled., During dinner, Maurice Strang, the host, is called to the telephone,......

The Vagrant Lover. By Donald Sinderby. (jenkins. 7s....

who made a promising start as a novelist of Indian adventure, must beware of working his vein , of humour too thin. His new story describes a pilgrimage through Kent undertaken......