4 MAY 1929, Page 47


In some quarters the point has been made. that the Reparations Conference was a little premature in. the sense of it being difficult, so long as Germany was meeting her _Reparation payments,- to determine her real capacity for..paynients' over _a prolonged period. On the other hand, however, it was felt that not only should the operations of the last few years give the experts ample data on which to base estimates for the future, but there was much to be said for anticipating any possible creaking of the Dawes machinery rather than waiting foithat event to happen. Not only so, but it was probably felt that any sound amicable agreement. between all parties would • aid German 'credit, thereby enabling her to meet the situation more effectively, while at the same time it was felt that any final satisfactory settlement of the German Reparations question, with its consequent removal of any points either of financial or political dispute, could not fail to have a good effect upon the general situation.