4 MAY 1934, Page 38


Somewhat contrary to general experience, the ,accounts of the Guardian Assurance Company Show rentlieir lesfaour- able results for last year in the Fire Account, 'but in the Accident and General Account. This latter Account includes Burglary, Employers' Liability, Motor Car and other branches. As regards the Life business the figures were distinctly good in the mailer of an increase • in the number of policies, though the sums assured were R little lower at 11,548,499 against £1:647,682 in the previous year. The current quinquennium in the Life Department ends at the close of this year and, therefore, the contribution of the Life 'Fund to the Profit and Loss Account' , is represented by a one-fifth share of the profits of the previous quinquennium. In the Fire Department premiums amounted to 11,277,278,

- - (Continued- on page 724.)-

Financial Notes

(Continued from page 722.)

and fire losses, commission, expenses, fire brigade contributions and loss on exchange amounted to 11,263,669, but the premium income was larger, necessitating an additi6n of £41,700 to the Unexpired Risks Reserve. As against the adverse underwriting difference of 228,091, interest income amounted to 164,377 and there were credits of 210,063 from bad debts recovered and £20 from investment profits. In the Accident Department the premium income amounted to £1,110,299, while losses, commission, expenses and other outgoings came to 11,117,409. The premium income was lower, thus releasing £38,500 from Unexpired Risks Reserve, giving an underwriting profit of £31,389, and from this an addition of £10,000 was made to the General Reserve of the Department. 'Interest income amounted to 167,510 and there was a small exchange profit, thus permitting a credit to Profit and Loss of /89,311. From the Fire Department 146,368 was brought in and from the Marine Account £31,293. Unallocated interest earnings amounted to /31,251 and with investment profits the total credits amounted to £243,309. The dividend of 10s. per share, less tax, is the same -as a year ago, while the balance carried forward of £14,244 compares with 217,645.
