4 MAY 1934, page 40

G1l7ardian Asstjrance.

Somewhat contrary to general experience, the ,accounts of the Guardian Assurance Company Show r e ntlieir lesfaour- able results for last year in the Fire Account, 'but in the......

The Profit Statement By The Dunlop Rubber Company...

of a thoroughly good report. The dividend recommended is 8 per cent. on the Ordinary stock, which compares with 4 per cent, for the previous year and no dividend at all in 1931.......

A Hundred Years Ago

"THE SPEOTATOR," MAY 3RD, 1834. WESTMINSTER FEsTivez.. A conversation arose last night on the subject of this festival ; which the Duke of NEvicAsiax and the Bishop of LONDON......

Hambros Bank.

The annual repffrt, of Hambros Bank indicates a con- siderable increase in general activity. The balance-sheet total on March 31st last was 125,636,839, against £21,060,082 a......