4 OCTOBER 1879, Page 1


THE fog has lifted from Afghanistan, and the country sees clearly what has to be done. With the flight of the Ameer from his capital, general government ends in Afghanistan, every province, and even city, going its own way. The Viceroy of India, therefore, has either to reduce the whole of the immense and poverty-stricken country into order, or to decide that he will oc- cupy only part of it,—namely, Candahar. The second will, there is reason to believe, be the policy adopted ; and the Government has therefore to occupy Cabul, seat Yakoob IChan at Candahar, and pretend that this is a fulfilment of the Treaty of Gunda- 'muck. It is not; for the Ameer, even if we can keep him up- Tight in Candahar, will be unable to regain control of the remainder of his hereditary dominions ; but we are not disposed to deny that the solution, though distinctly bad, is preferable to the vaster enterprise, one in which even the English Treasury

might be swamped.