4 OCTOBER 1879, page 3

The Present Mania For Testing Endurance In Men And Animals

should be carefully watched, for it tends to degenerate into a cruel curiosity. Many of the pedestrians who engage in the 4 ' long " matches at the Agricultural Hall injure......

The Fishmongers' Company Entertained Sir Evelyn Wood At...

Tuesday, and Sir Evelyn made a speech which must have a little shocked the modesty of one or two of the guests, whose feats were described as if they had just been gazetted to.......

An Extraordinary Case Of Baby-farming Has Been Discovered...

A man named Barns, formerly a solicitor's clerk, and his wife, have been committed for trial on a charge of murder, and it is asserted that they have made a trade of murdering......

The Belgian Bishops Appear To Be Pushing Their Conflict With

the State to very great lengths. They are irritated by the clauses in the new system, which provide that religious instruc- tion shall be given out of school-hours, though......

Colonel Redvers Buller Has Also Made A Speech At Exeter,

in which, after some just remarks upon the danger which exists in our day that the General will be forgotten in his instruments, special correspondents not being able to see the......

A Local Report Of Lord Elcho's Speech At Winchcombe Has

been forwarded to us, from which it appears that his Lordship did not say that he expected an " amicable "'settlement with Afghanistan, but a satisfactory settlement ; and did......

The French Forestry Department, According To The Poly-...

satisfying themselves that forests directly increase the supply of water in their neighbourhood. From careful ob- servations at Senlis and Nancy, they have decided that it rains......

The Times Announces That Colonel Gordon, The Governor-...

Soudan, is about to return home, and that the effort to suppress the Egyptian slave-trade and to keep order in that vast region will probably be abeaidoned. There is no money to......

Consols Were On Friday 97 7 , To 98.
