4 OCTOBER 1879, Page 3

A local report of Lord Elcho's speech at Winchcombe has

been forwarded to us, from which it appears that his Lordship did not say that he expected an " amicable "'settlement with Afghanistan, but a satisfactory settlement ; and did not accuse Mr. Parnell of recommending tenants to shoot landlords, but only said this was the remedy in Ireland; as shown " by the ac- companiment " to Mr. Parnell's and Mr. O'Connor Power's speeches. We, of course, in making our synopsis, relied upon the Times' report, in which the word given is " am icable ;" and the charge made against Mr. Parnell is direct. There is no doubt that the Times and the Spectator were, as regards the Parnell point—for there is still an obscurity as regards that word. " amicable," which oven the local reporters thought they heard— in error.