4 OCTOBER 1879, Page 21

The Two Mothers. By J. M. Joy. (Bell and Sons.)—This

is a tale of the Frenoh Revolution. There is some merit in the plot. The way in which the sinister purposes of revenge cherished by "la belle Gabrielle" are defeated shows some skill and dramatic force. The woman's end in the prison is a fine situation. The style in which the book is written is curious, and makes ono inclined to speculate upon its origin. Was it first written in English P Such a sentence as "she

sat down her grand, cruel face turned upwards, looking like the personification of a lost seal seeking to renew its inspiration with the past," sounds like a doubtful translation. The use of the word " reprisals " in the following sentence is strange :—" Ho had been justly imprisoned for the notoriously evil ways of his youth, but in one of these reprisals, when the prison doors wore opened by an enraged multitude, he bad effected his escape."