4 OCTOBER 1879, Page 22

Northward Ito ! By Captain Albert H. Markham, R.N. (Mac-

millan.)—Captain Markham limits himself to describing the attempts which have been made to explore the region of the North Pole, as distinguished from the expeditions which have had for their object the discovery of the North-West Passage. The chief feature of his volume is the journal of a midshipman, Floyd by name, who served in the expedition commanded by Captain Phipps, which started in June, 1773. This journal is a most praiseworthy composition, and gives a very lively picture of the discomforts and perils of Arctic navigation,—discomforts and perils which were far more formidable, or rather it should be said, less efficiently provided against, a hundred years ago, than they are now. Tho expedition consisted of two ships, the Racehorse' and the Carcase.' One of the two midshipmen of the latter vessel was Horatio Nelson. Floyd himself died about five years after the return of the expedition,