4 OCTOBER 1930, Page 1

The changes in the Dominion representation since 1926 are -

remarkable. Canada is under Mi. Bennett's Conservative Government instead of under Mr. Mackenzie King's Liberal Government. Australia is under Mr. -Scullin's Labour Government instead of under Mr. Bruce's Nationalist Government. In New Zealand Mr. Forbes, the leader of the United Party—formed by the late Sir Joseph Ward—is in the place of Mr. Coates. Only General Hertzog remains from the former leaders. If the speeches of Wednesday may-be taken as an earnest of those which will follow when the details are tackled, the Conference will be the most fruitful ever held. There was a very evident. intention that the Empire shall be a co-operative organization. The freedom of each 'country ' though real will not be, because it cannot her interpreted so as to deprive the Empire of its freedom to exist as a positive, whole. The Empire must prosper materially by co-operative :methods and contribute to the world's service something worthy of a closely locked international community that has an unmistakable soul.

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