4 OCTOBER 1930, page 16

The General Question Of Preserving The Countryside Is...

with particularly incisive wisdom in the current number of that invaluable little green quarterly, The Countryman, which may be called the Intelligence Bureau of Country Life.......

A Poisoned Poisoner.

The mention of ragwort (of which I wrote recently in refer- ence to its qualities both as a dye and a poison) suggests a more or less new remedy for this and other weeds. I know......

Ax Urban Sanctuary.

A very, very small garden in the north-west of London is populous, according to the census of its proprietor, with grey squirrels, and many birds that have included tits, wrens,......

Country Life

COMPETING COUNCILS. Countrymen, who concern themselves with the reconstruction of village life begin to be conscious of a missing link in local government. The county councils......

Now The County Councils, Whose Powers Have Been Greatly...

by the Town Planning Act, have at last awakened to their opportunities. Stimulated and indeed educated by the experts of the C.P.R.E.—another Intelligence Bureau of the best......

A Tame Starling.

A very charming account of the taming of a young starling, that has since become a "friend and a brother," is sent by a correspondent who suggests that the starling is among the......

The Ugliest Thing In Berkshire, And Yet More Emphatically In

the neighbour shire of Wilts, is the derelict farm with its decayed houses and buildings, its rank weeds and vermin. Contrariwise, one of the most beautiful things is such a......

Queer Travellers.

At this moment, when the change is at its height, we must all notice the migration of birds, if Only by the disappearance of the summer birds and the appearance of winter......