4 OCTOBER 1930, Page 3

* * * * Herr Sthamer When a farewell luncheon

was given in London on Monday to Herr Sthamer, the retiring German: Ambas- sador, three Secretaries of State for Foreign Affairs were Present to testify to the success of his extraordinarily difficult mission. He was appointed to London ten years ago and neither country could say then exactly how un- pleasant Herr Stharner's position was going to be. Nobody was optimistic enough to think that he would have a pleasant time. It would be embarrassing in any case and it might be painful. Englishmen in those bitter days after the War did not understand their own capacity for being convinced by reason and impressed by honesty. Herr Sthamer returns to his country possessing the respect of us all. He has brought the two countries to- gether more effectually than could have been even wildly imagined when he came. He has resorted to no trick. He has been direct, painstaking, good-tempered and patient. * * * *