4 SEPTEMBER 1915, Page 23


[Notion in this column does not necessarily mocha& subsequent review.) Our readers will remember that efforts are being made by the John Rylands Library of Manchester to help towards the formation of a new library for the University of Louvain. In the current issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library (Longmans and Co. for the Manchester University Press, 6d.) we are informed that three thousand books have already been received or promised in response to the appeal. The editor of the Bulletin remarks, in reference to a letter that appeared in these columns, that the action of the Rylands Library must, not be taken as relieving GerMany of her obligations :- "On the contrary," he says, we believe that our action will probably do more than anything else to keep the attention of the public and also of Ow authorities alive to the justice of insisting, when the time is ripe, that Germany shall. not only disgorge everything which she has looted, in defiance of the rules of civilized warfare, but that she shall replace from German libraries the equivalent of the treasures she has so deliberately and senselessly destroyed."

The aim of the John Hylands appeal is to see not merely that the library should be restored, but that the new one

should be richer and more glorious than its predecessor.