4 SEPTEMBER 1915, page 14

The American Exchanges. [to The Editor Op The...

article entitled "The American Exchanges " which appeared in the Spectator of August 21st puts forward three ways of discharging our growing indebtedness to America—i.e., by (1)......

Huns : Another Protest.

PTO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—May I venture to add another word of protest against the attitude of mind to which " S. 0. S." refers in his letter to the Spectator of......

The Parliamentary War Savings Committee.

[To TED EDITOR OF TIM "SPROTAT0a...] SIR,—Your correspondent "Anxious Patriot" says in his letter in your issue of August 21st, d propos of the leaflets issued by the......

The German Losses.

[TO THE EDITOR OP TRH " SIINTAT011.1 SIR,—In the last issue of the Spectator there appears an estimate of the number of troops the Germans have in the field. This estimate puts......

A Prophecy.

[To THE! EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The following passage from The Private Papers of Henry Ryecraft, by G. Giseing (1903), surely gives food for thought :— "I hate and......

Privates And Commissions.

[To THE EDITOR OP TUB tirEcTATon."1 SIR,—The thousands of very junior officers now being accepted for commissions must constitute a 'grave danger unless they are leavened with......

The Meaning Of "bosche."

[To THE EDITOR OP THR "SPECTATOR."1 SIE,—The Allies—Italy and Great,Britain, France and Russia —have for months been exercising their wits as to the deriva- tion of the word......

Darwinism And Germanism.

[To ras EDITOR 01 THE " tireerAxon."] SIR,—Lord Cromer's reference in your last issue to a German conception as "an instance of misapplied Darwinism " recalls a striking......

Encouraging The Enemy.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."' SIR,—In his book on Popular Government, Maine, writing about the American War of independence, says :— " But the colonists had also reaped......