5 APRIL 1919, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Stn, _t contemporary of yours having written ou the mining industry, that it was a revelation to ntost people that on the average some twenty-five miners are killed and three thousand or more injured every week, it seems necessary to whit out that there are three thousand three hundred pits in the United Kingdom, so that the accidents are only about one per pit her week, and fatal accidents are one per pit every two and a halt years. And though Mr. Sniillie says many accidents are never reported, it is equally true that many of those reported are very trivial. I well remember, when living in a colliery district, one man who seemed to live three parts of the year on what was known locally as "compen.," for Iriviel hurts

sustained in the pit.—I am, Sir, Ac., FAIR PLAT.