5 APRIL 1919, page 14


[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Stn,—Under the above heading in your issue of March 15th is a notice, reed with interest, of Mr. A. D. Webster's book. Your reviewer speaks......

A Freak Of Nature.

(To ran Emma or rim " Smariroa."1 Sta,—In reference to the " dusky, brownish bleak" gall in St. James's Park, as recorded by your correspondent Mr. W. M. Crook, may I say that......

The British Museum.

(To THE Emma OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin, — As Summer Time began on Monday. would it be asking too much for the closing time of the Reading Room at the Museum to be put back to......


APRIL. I saw April from my window, Chill and early, Frozen stars on her soft tresses Sparkled rarely; These the morning clouds did send Isw, One sweet song-thrush did attend......

(to The Emma Of The Speciat01."1 Sia,—it Has Been Pointed

out by others than myself that the roots of huge trees should be utilized for this purpose, and can be cheaply made small enough to cart away by being beret with high......


A L-kND OF ENCHANTMENT.* We are deeply grateful to Lady Clifford, wife of the Governor of the Gold Coast and the delighter of many a novel-reader as Mrs. de la Pasture, for the......

Notice.—when "corresporulence" Or Artiolea Are Signal...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the node of......

T1jt *pertatur

We suggest that there can be no better Present in Peace or War than an Annual Subscription to the Spectator. He or she who gives the Spectator as a present will give a weekly......