5 APRIL 1930, Page 1

* * * He 'cannot be nceused of " reference

"- that sort of legislation which cOnveyi 'no meaning unless it be read in the context of previous ACts:-. The Bill is officially called a Housing Bill and:that is-what it really is. Slum-clearance is its special but it 'enibraces rural housing and, indeed, any 'housing conditions in the towns which tend to depress the standard: Mi. Greenwood deerVes particular credit for trying to Make a break with the bureaucratic tradition. • He given More authority to local authorities and minimizes the -ptiwis of his own Ministry. Much will depend, of course, upon whether those local bodies which in the-1;44 Thilie been very back,' ward in housing : schemes acquire a new enthusiasm. Further, the Ministry of Health not itself appoint arbitrators: ArbitratiOns Will be conducted by the County Courts.