5 APRIL 1930, page 13

Country Life

WAR ON FI.OWERS. Flowers are very important things : their cult grows daily ; but by the same token their number decreases in the Wild; • though. it 'increases in the tame. A......

Spiting's Date

It is reckoned that this spring is a fortnight later than the normal. But it makes good very rapidly. The first migrant birds began to appear in numbers this week, and......

Flora's League.

The gist of the matter—its botany as well as its philosciphy- is to be • found in one of the most charming and also well- documented little books that I know : Our Vanishing......

Wry Not Goats ?

I was asked the other day, what struck inc most during a recent tour of Southern Spain. The only truthful answer was, " Goats." They left a yet more various and lasting......

It Is A Very Good Thing That People Should Pick

wild flowers and wantto' . pick them. Many a 'dull room is sanctified = if the word is n ot too a'howl of primroses or bluebells or marsh marigolds. I was . horrified when, a......

Threatened Rarities.

A large number of the rarer flowers dwindle and vanish: You can scarcely find any local or county record of flowers that does not - bewail 'some threatened extinction: one could......

Gardening The Wild.

Some people have suggested that we should " paint the lily to throw a perfume on the violet " by sowing the seeds of garden plants broadcast. The idea does not altogether please......