5 APRIL 1930, Page 33

General Knowledge Questions

Oun weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mrs. L. Pakenham, c/o Union Bank, Pitt Street, Sydney, Australia, for the fol- lowing :—

Questions on Chivalry in Practice

and in Literature

1. Which is the oldest order of chivalry in Europe ?

2. In what well-known ritual do we find the following, " More ancient than the Golden Fleece, more honourable than the Garter ?'"

3. In what tale of chivalry appears the following from the lips of a knight : " Nbw order the ranks and fling wide the banners, for our souls are God's, our bodies the King's, our swords for Bt. George and for England."

4. How is the present day military salute said to be a survival from the days of chivalry ?

5. What celebrated knight in fiction made a barber's basin serve for a helmet ?

6. Of which English King was it said on his accession that " A knight errant had succeeded a statesman " ? 7. What Eastern nation possessed a code and practice of chivalry in every respect equal to that 'obtaining in the West ?

8. To which English king do we owe one of the most perfect gems of Gothic art and with what order of chivalry was it connected?

9. How are those knights that had been to the Crusade said to be distinguished on their tombs ? 10. What fabulous animals play a large part in heraldry

11. Which French king met his death whilst taking part in a tournament ?

12. Where do we find a famous knight reproving a flippant brother-in-arms for speaking slightingl3r, of love, and in what terms ?

13. What writer of history declared that " Chivalry is itself the poetry of life " Answers will be found on page vii.