5 AUGUST 1922, Page 14


[To 7'HE EDITOR OF nu " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—I believe that I shall not incur the wrath of any theoreticians on aesthetics when I say that the present cinema posters are a disgrace to our streets. No body of advertisements is so consistently hideous, and it seems to me that a combined effort on the part .of the more powerful journals might help to remedy this. The example of the Underground alone is evidence that the public appreciate something better than the worst on their hoardings. I think that I may say that I have never yet been stopped by a cinema poster, but on the contrary I am hurried past with averted eyes. I know that I am not the only one so affected_ Before writing this letter I examined a display at a large cinema theatre, and I am more convinced than ever that all the posters are unmitigatedly ugly in design, colour, and drawing, besides having little relation either to natural or significant form. Can nothing be done?--.

I am, Sir, &c., CYRIL GEORGE.