5 AUGUST 1922, page 2

We Deal Elsewhere With The General Question Of Honours. Next

week we propose to supplement what we have said as to Honours-Brokerage by publishing a statement by the Editor of. the Spectator as to: his own_ experiences in: this respect._......

As If To Point The Moral Of The Hague Conference,

Norway 'has just found out that her commercial treaty with the Bol- sheviks does not protect Norwegian interests in Russia. A Norwegian company, trusting to the treaty, had......

When The House Of Lords Resumed On Monday The Debate

on the Government's vague resolutions for reform, Lord Salisbury pointed out that what was really needed was not a chango in the constitution of the House but . a modification......

It Was Stated On Thursday That- The Members -of The

Honours Commission have been chosen. The Duke of. Devonshire is to preside and to be assisted by a well-known Judge. Another member likely- to be chosen is- Sir Evelyn.. Cecil,......

Lord Grey Of Fallodon Made An Interesting Speech At New-

castle last Saturday on the way to peace. His main point was that we all needed a sense of security. He quoted the legend on a French cartoon of the British and French Prime......

Lord Salisbury Went On To Ask, "what Do We Stand

for ? " Though we maintain our non-party position we , are bound to say that we find his answer in almost every respect satisfactory. He and his friends stand for :— " A stable......

We Desire To Endorse All That Was Said By Lord . Grey

as to an agreement with France to defend her if wantonly attacked. We all know that we must and should come to her aid in the case supposed. Why then not say so? If we do......

The Long Ministerial Crisis In Italy Ended On Tuesday With

the return of Signor Facta to office with nearly all his former colleagues. The intrigues of the leaders of the numerous groups in the Chamber were summarily ended by the......

Lord Salisbury, As-the Newly-chosen Chief Of The...

an able-and well-considered speech at a meeting at the Cannon Street Hotel on Wednesday. The speech showed that our recent comments on his leadership and what he ought to stand......

Lord Salisbury, In Acknowledging The Receipt- Of The Fund...

by the Morning Post in. its campaign against the anti-Conservative, anti-Unionist, anti-Thrift acts of the Coalition, made some very sensible remarks. They show that we did not......

Greece, Despairing Of The Procrastination Of The Allied...

them last Saturday to sanction a Greek occupation of Constantinople in order to induce the Turkish Nationalists to make peace. Mr. Lloyd George told the House of Commons on......