5 DECEMBER 1908, Page 43


[Under tMe heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been -reserved for review in other forme.] If. By the Authors of "Wisdom While You Wait." (Sir Isaac T'itman and Sons. is. net.)—The fact that one of the authors of If is closely connected with the Spectator makes it impossible for -us, to do more than notice the appearance of this book. We feel, however, free to deal with Mr. Morrow's illustrations, which are -excellent, and will, we are sure, delight all those who have -come to admire his work. He is a true illustrator, and enters into the very spirit of the book to be illustrated. In the present volume the little drawings to illustrate "If Everything Were Known" are particularly striking. Quite admirable is the sense of frenzied -hurry and crowding shown in the jam of hansoms, motor-cars, low-wheelers, and vehicles of all sorts in the "Scene outside Euston or Charing Cross or Victoria." One word more. Should -the authors of If contemplate a new edition, we make the follow- .ing recommendation to them. Let us have a postscript with -"If Authors Wrote their own Reviews." Mr. Pecksniff said that he -would like to see Mrs. Todgers's idea of a wooden.leg. We should -very much like to see these authors' idea of, say, Miss Corelli's idea of a review of her latest contribution to fiction.