5 DECEMBER 1908, page 8

God's Lantern - Bearers. By R. C. Gillie. (a. And C. Black.

6s.)—Mr. Gillie rightly begins with a piece of sound doctrine. The "prophet "—by the " Lantern-Bearers" is meant the prophets of Israel—was chiefly a setter forth of truth;......

Bridget Of All Work.*

'Is this volume, again, we have asked ourselves more than once, —is it to be classed as a " gift-book " or a " novel" ? We can only say that it is absolutely free from anything......


SOME SEA-FIGHTS.* WE have felt a certain hesitation in including this volume among "Gift-Books." We need hardly say that we mean no kind of disrespect when we do so. What we......

The Series Of "chambers's Wonder Books" (w. And R. Chambers,

3s. 6d. per vol.) is one that should find favour with a large class of readers. There are four volumes before us,— Volcanoes and Earthquakes, by E. J. Houston, Ph.D.; The Atmo-......

The Romance Of Modern Geology. By Edwin S. Grew. (seeley

and Co. 5s.)—Most entertaining and illuminating is Mr. Grew's handling of modern geology. He puts the pith, the striking facts, clearly before us, and has been more successful......

Jim Mortimer. By Warren Bell. (a. And C. Black. 3s.

6d.)— Mr. Bell knows boys and men, as his "Tales from Greyhouse " proved, and Jim Mortimer is simply a grown-up boy, and a very fine boy too. The art of self-defence figures......