5 JANUARY 1918, Page 10

The scarcely veiled- hypocrisy of the German peace terms has

proved too much even for the Petrograd Anarchists to swallow. Trotsky on Wednesday told his followers that if Germany did -not " loyally consent to the free disposal of the Polish and Lettish nations " it would be necessary to fight for the Russian Revolution. • The Workmen's Council passed a resolution declaring 'that the enemy was trying to distort the idea of " No annexations and no indemnities " in the sense of his old annexationist policy. The • Council declared its resolve to " defend the right of Poland, Lithuania, and Courland to dispose of their own destiny," and appealed to the enemy peoples- not to permit their Governments to make war on Revolutionary Russia for the subjection of Poland and the Baltic Provinces. The resolution attests their honesty, if not their wisdom. Their -fantastic belief in the enemy's sincerity has been speedily dissipated.