5 JANUARY 1918, page 18

The Hereford Controversy.

(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—The Spectator happily does not account it to be mortal sin in its readers to differ from some of its judgments. I find myself in......

Letters To The Editor.

[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fit/ treble the space.] MR. LLOYD GEORGE AND HIS......

(to The Burros Or The " Specta.tor."3 Ssa,—at A Meeting

of the clergy of the Diocese of Oxford on December lith to elect a Proctor to the Lower Homo of Convocation, the Vicar of Cowley St. John, Oxford, proposed a resolution......

(to The Editor Or The " Spectat011."3 S1r,—the Article In

your issue of December 22nd entitled " The Meaning of the Hereford Controversy " seems to have been written under two misapprehensions. May I correct them? In the first place,......