5 JANUARY 1929, Page 32


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ALLOWING for the fact business 'oh -the -Stobk Exchange has been interfered with both by the Christmas and New Year Holidays, the tone of the Stock znarkets keepa' wonderfully firm, and it may fairlY, be said that in most sections New Year optimism prevails. In the more speculative departments the Outstanding feature has been the extraordinary gamble and consequent fluctuations hi the shares of the Ford Motor Company. These at oi..! time rose to about 41 premium for the £1 shares, but profit-taking has sent the price doWn- te- about premium; however--that emnpany with a nominal capital of £7,000,000 is still valued in the -market at over /25,000,000:even before it has got into full swing in the enlarged operations promised by the im- pending erection of the- large factory in Essex:- The improve- ment in markets, however, has been of a very general character, gilt-edged stocks advancing, while not the least welcome feature has been the moderate rally in English railway stocks.