5 JANUARY 1929, page 25

* * * The Spanish Ladie (oxford University Press, 21s.),

containing James Mabbe's 1640 translation of three of Cervantes' stories, will delight all lovers of romance. The rough course of true love is the theme of the title story,......

Some Books Of The Week

DURING the past month the books most in demand at The Times Book Club have been :— FICTION :—The Case of Sergeant Grischa, by Arnold Zweig ; Jehovah's Day, by Mary Borden ; The......

There Is Something New About Battle-line Narratives, By...

E. Harvey (Brentano's, 6s.). They are very loosely put together, yet the author knows how to produce a remark- able effect. The scenes he depicts are terrible ; the impression......

* * * * Mr. J. M. Spaight, In Pseudo-security

(Longmans, 12s. 6d.), suggests that the League of Nations has a useful function to fulfil in organizing for peace, but not in its forcible mainten- ance. •He wants, in short, to......

* * * * A Useful And Refreshing Book Is

The Real Men in Public Life, by Mr. A. P. Nicholson (Coffins, 12s. 6d.). Mr. Nicholson is very fair to Labour, and almost too kind to semi-revolu- tionaries like Mr. Wheatley.......

Mans, 6s.) Contains Both Delight And Disappointment For...

enjoy The Bridge of San Luis Rey. According to the publisher's advertisement, Mr. Wilder finds in the " short dialogue a form which satisfies his passion for compression," but......

The Collection Of Short Articles And Speeches Put...

Lord Meath under the title of Brabazon Potpourri (Hutchin- son, 18s.) deals with a great number of philanthropic efforts. Most of them were written or spoken before the War, a......

English Prisons To-day Was A Great Book, And Turned A

searchlight on our penal system in all its badness. A New Way with Crime (Williams and Norgate, 7s. 6d.), by one of its editors, is simply not in the same class. Mr. A. Fenner......

The Competition

Barry Island—I send in homage the topaz of my silence— Your threepennybit. The Editor offers a prize of five guineas for the most plausible explanation of this message, taken......
