5 JANUARY 1929, Page 35


Interest in the City in the forthcoming consideration by the Committee of Financial Experts on the problem of Repara- tions has been quickened by the announcement of the names of the Braila-1 representatives. In spite of, or perhaps it should rather be said because of, the supremely important position which he occupies as the head of the finn of Baring Brothers, in addition to his duties as a Director of the Bank 'of England, Lord Revelatoke's margin of time for public engagements is a small one, and it is evident that a strong sense of public duty must have been the impelling force causing him to accept the position- of British representative on the Reparations Com- mittee. He will have as his colleague Sir Josiah Stamp, whose experience, gained during the previous investigation of the Dawes. Plan, will, of course, be invaluable. Two more suitable representatives: it would have been impossible for the Chancellor of the Exchequer to have nominated. Lord Revelstoke's reputation as a banker is international in character, while the fact that he is personally known to very many of those with whom he will come into contact is likely to make his presence on the Coimnittee specially welcome to

• the interests concerned.

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