5 JANUARY 1929, Page 6

Details of the new £4,000,000 German cruiser show that once

again Germany has profited by the War. Just as ruin forced her to reorganize her industry, so- the limitations imposed on her by the Treaty of Versailles have forced her to experiment in _new eruiser„designs. While keeping within the 10,000. ton limit the new ship -will carry six 11 inch guns of a new pattern, which will fire at three times the rate of 11 inch guns in the War. Washington Conference cruisers of 10,000 tons carry only 8 inch guns, and wouliflhus not b, able to stand un against her. Her new Diesel engines will be of 50,000 horse power, though having only about one-sixth of the weight per horse power of former Diesel engines. The designed speed is twenty-six knots. Even the ' Rodney ' has only 45,000 horse power engines, though she is three times the size of the German cruiser. The Washington Powers are, however, building ships which will have a speed of thirty-two knots (British) to thirty-five knots (Italian). Again, the German ship will be able to main- tain a speed of twenty knots for a radius of 10,000 miles, which is about seven knots faster than the latest British cruisers can do over the same radius.