5 JANUARY 1940, Page 23


SIR,—The letter from Mr. J. P. Van den Bergh in your issue of December 15th, far from correcting my mistakes, confirms and underlines the point which I was trying to make.

In this letter Mr. Van den Bergh admits that under present conditions 25 per cent. of the total margarine consumed in this country contains no vitamins. It is as reasonable to think that the majority of this will be found among the cheaper brands, as it is unreasonable to think that the class of people who buy these cheaper brands are sufficiently educated at the present time to look for the word " Vita- minised," which in any case they do not understand, on the wrapper.

The addition of vitamins A and D to all margarine should be made compulsory. The cost is negligible and the benefits cannot fail to be enormous.—Yours faithfully,