5 JANUARY 1951, Page 8

From the latest issue of that widely-circulated American weekly News-week

may be gleaned information about King George and Queen Elizabeth which will (appropriately enough) be news to most of Their Majesties' subjects. The King, it seems, is a member of the Trades Union Congress. " He always wears a heavy tan make- up for public outings to hide his naturally pallid complexion." He is " an excellent and tireless huntsman " (here the technicalities of English, or rather Scottish, sport have overcome the writer ; for " huntsman " read " stalker "). However, the article as a whole is warmly appreciative. Its title is " Royal Stabilizer of a Free World " ; a picture of the King and Queen on the cover bears the caption: " George and Elizabeth: Stable Note in a Crisis World " ; ■ nd the first paragraph of the article declares that as 1951 opened " never had the bonds between the United States and the British Commonwealth been so strongly spun," in spite of disagreements which because they are frank and open break no bones. It is encouraging to see that affirmation given wide currency in the United States.