5 JANUARY 1951, page 6

Coal By Exhortation

The Government presumably wished to express in quantitative terms their concern with the fuel situation when they allocated no fewer than five Ministers to Wednesday's meeting......

Dr. Adenauer's Problems

The New Year faces the West German Federal Government with a number of difficult problems. The situation is confused and dan- gerous. The internal demand for unity is growing......

Pakistan's Mistake The Decision Of Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, The

Prime Minister of Pakistan, not to attend the Commonwealth conference in London, while intelligible, is thoroughly unwise. Les absents ont toujours tort, and to leave the field......

Towards A Four-power Conference

Movement in negotiations with the Soviet Union has to be measured by inches, not feet or yards, and it is fortunate if it is movement forwards at all. The rejoinder to the......

A Role For Japan ?

It is presumably in his capacity as United States Commander-in- Chief in Japan, and no other, that General MacArthur, in the course of one of his periodical incursions into......