4 JUNE 1942, Page 12


Sta,—Having subscribed to The Spectator for many years as one of th few weeklies with a Christian viewpoint, I am surprised and disgus to observe that you (for reward) in your last issue have give publicity to the "Rationalist Press." Having often written letters to th Press indicating the Christian view on various matters, I have bee inundated gratuitously with anti-God literature from this organisatio But I never thought I would find support for its propaganda The Spectator. Your paper can propagate paganism if you so desir but I, for one, will no longer subscribe to it after my current subscn tion expires. This as a protest against the evil thing that is graduall spreading over our country. You may publish this if you wish.—Your

Burford House, Derby Road, Caversham, Berks.

[There is no question of "reward," since at the present time 11, demand for advertisement space far exceeds the limited supply. Bu freedom of thought and expression cannot work iii one direction only Speaking generally, it is no more desirable to censor the expression opinion in advertisement columns than anywhere else. The Spectaz has not such an opinion of the vitality of the Christian faith as to conceit than an advertisement of the Rationalist Press Association will do appreciable harm.—En., The Spectator.]