4 JUNE 1942, page 12

B.b.c. Relig1uus Broadcasts

Sla,—Last week's Spectator contained a quarter-page advertisement fr the Rationalist Press Association asking for postcard " Yes " or "No replies to the following questions: i.......

Sir,—with Lord Cecil I Am Not Often Able To Agree.

But never has any better letter been written on a theological subject than his last to your issue for May 29th. I agree with every word of it on a subject that I have tried to......

Challenge To Christians

SIR, —The following sentence appears in the article "Challenge to Christians " in your issue of May 29th: "The Christians now found themselves all on one side of the arena, with......

The Wage-earner's Teeth The Wage-earner's Teeth

SIR, —The recent article and correspondence in your columns on th wage-earner's teeth move me to write an account of the action which been taken by the Public Health Committee......

" The Spectator " And Paganism

Sta,—Having subscribed to The Spectator for many years as one of th few weeklies with a Christian viewpoint, I am surprised and disgus to observe that you (for reward) in your......

Letters To The Editor

A NEW TABLE OF LESSONS sm,—May a fairly regular reader of lessons in church, though one with no claim to Biblical scholarship, venture on a comment on Lord Cecil's interesting......